在这幅用禄莱中画幅胶片相机拍摄的作品中,一只小羊被后方车灯的光束瞬间点亮,轮廓被一圈柔和的光边勾勒,仿佛黑夜中的一场无声审判。车灯的光影恰到好处,赋予画面一种超现实的氛围。胶片的质感让光的层次更加细腻,而这一瞬的捕捉实属难得——若车灯未曾打向这个方向,画面将因光线不足而无法呈现。下一秒,光源消失,黑夜重新吞噬了一切。这张照片不仅是对光影的偶然礼赞,更是对瞬间与永恒的深刻思考。 In this medium-format film photograph captured with a Rolleiflex camera, a lamb is momentarily illuminated by the beam of a car's headlights, its outline softly edged with a halo of light, as if judged silently by the night. The interplay of light and shadow creates an almost surreal atmosphere, enhanced by the rich texture of film. This fleeting moment was a gift of chance—had the headlights not pointed in this direction, the scene would have been lost to darkness. The next second, the light vanished, and the night reclaimed its domain. This image is not only a tribute to the seren
#胶片# #光影# #夜景# #人文纪实# #抽象# #中画幅# #民族# #禄莱#NORITSU KOKI
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